React offers multiple way of creating re-usable components, but which one to use, when and why depends on a number of factors.

I would say that, these days, you should limit yourself, to either Stateless functional components(SFC) or React ES6 classes.

When to use ES6 classes ?

When to use SFCs and why ?

If the above 3 points don't apply to your use case then you can safely use a stateless functional component.

A SFC is just that, a function:

function Hello(props) {
return <div>{props.greeting}</div>;

Why use it, you might ask ?

Stateless functional components are simpler.

No members, no state, no lifecycle hooks, no multiple moving parts. This means they're simpler to understand and less prone to bugs.

They're more predictable and simpler to test

Stateless functional components take the paradigm 'props in' => 'VDOM out' to it's finest level.
Most of them are pure functions, meaning that the output depends entirely on the input.

In turn this makes them more predictable and easier to test(give them input and just assert output)

They open up possibilities for further performance optimizations than classes

According to React team , in the future, various performance optimizations will be performed, in regard to memory allocations and speed for components written as stateless functional components.

You can use all of the functional approaches & techniques and apply them to the UI

Because they're just functions, you can use the usual "suspects":


You can memoize the results of the these functions and optimize the React reconciliation just like with any other function.

Suppose that you have a mostly static piece of content, that is re-rendered every few seconds:

import React from "react";
import memoize from "lodash.memoize";
import logo from "./logo.svg";

const Heading = memoize(
props => {
console.log("Rendering heading...");

return (
<div className="heading">
<div className="App-header">
<img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
<p className="App-intro">
To get started, edit <code>src/App.js</code> and save to reload.
props => {
return props.title;

export default Heading;

And then, suppose that we have an App component that uses this Heading component and it re-renders
every second:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import Heading from "./Heading.js";
import "./App.css";

class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
counter: 0
componentWillMount() {
setInterval(() => {
counter: this.state.counter + 1
}, 1000);
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Heading title="Welcome to React" />
Counter: {this.state.counter}

export default App;

If you run this code you'll notice that the Heading component will only be rendered once.
It will re-render again only when title prop changes.

If you're not familiar with memoization you can checkout Lodash docs .

Also stay tuned, by subscribing to our newsletter, and I'll write an article on memoization, showing off some interesting uses of it.


I love using functional composition, in order to create really complex components starting from simple building blocks.

In fact, composition is heavily used in the Presentational components/Container components pattern as beautifully explained by Dan Abramov.

There are also libraries that provide all sorts of useful and interesting functions that can be composed together.

One, that I really appreciate it Recompose;

Currying and partial application

You can also apply the usual currying and partial application techniques when working with functional stateless components.

This allows you to take an already built component, and pre-fill arguments with values so that you obtain a new component.

import Heading from "./Heading.js";
import curry from "lodash.curry";

const HeadingWithDefaultTitle = curry(
title: "Default title"
export default HeadingWithDefaultTitle;

Here, we are taking the Heading component we've previously built, pre-fill the props and obtain a new component that renders a default title.
You use them like this(side by this for comparison):

 <Heading title='Welcome to React' />
<HeadingWithDefaultTitle />

You can read up more about 'curry' here.

Key take-aways

Use SFC whenever possible over ES6 classes

Destructure the props given to the SFC so that their interface is clearer:

Use them together with the functional techniques to achieve maximum modularity: compose, memoize and curry.

For a deeper dive into this topic, but also React, Redux and React-Router I cannot recommend enought the course of Andrew Mead from Udemy: The Complete React Web Developer Course (with Redux)

Hope you've enjoyed!

As usual, let me know in the comments, what are best practices I might have missed and stay tuned!